In our rapidly evolving digital culture, a scarcity of cybersecurity specialists might be disastrous. And we are currently in that unfavorable situation.
When it comes to cyber security, the healthcare industry has always had a difficult time. It must strike a balance between its desire to help patients get better and the requirement to safeguard the very sensitive information generated by the treatment.
Information is the driving force behind humanitarian aid. Information influences priorities and resource allocation from early warnings through needs assessments to final evaluations. Furthermore, a crisis motivates individuals to collect and share personal information that they would not ordinarily disclose. Such as the names of missing family members, medical issues and needs, and their present and previous whereabouts. Indeed, the humanitarian principle of impartiality, which requires that help be given only on the basis of need, necessitates this knowledge.
Healthcare systems are becoming more digitalized and networked, yet they are frequently unsecured, making them highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Water and electricity infrastructure, as well as hospitals, are frequently destroyed by shelling in armed conflict. And services are only partially or not operating at all: picture a big cyber attack on top of that! This has the potential to be disastrous. Civilians caught up in war and violence are already battling hard enough without having their problems worsened.
For many healthcare institutions, addressing cyber crime has always been a big issue owing to several causes.
Hospitals keep a massive quantity of patient information. Hackers can easily sell confidential data worth a lot of money, making the industry an increasing target. These organizations have a responsibility to safeguard their patients’ personal information. With GDPR kicking in this year, it’s more critical than ever for hospitals to keep their data safe.
The pressure on hospitals throughout the world is increasing at an alarming rate. Prompting governments to mobilize military medical units, nationalize private medical institutions, and establish emergency hospitals. All of these facilities must be able to operate without interruption and have enough resources as the crisis unfolds.
It’s no surprise that governments, industry, and the technical community are focusing more on cybersecurity as attacks become more prevalent, complex, and severe. However, initiatives to improve cybersecurity frequently overlook or, worse, regard human rights as a barrier to cybersecurity. This is a risky and inaccurate assumption. It’s time to start addressing cybersecurity as a human rights issue.
Denial of access to information and its underlying infrastructure, such as network shutdowns, breaches a variety of rights, including the capacity of individuals to express themselves, freely gather and associate, and enjoy a variety of economic, social, and cultural rights.
There are several examples of information confidentiality being violated, whether through financial data breaches, widespread government monitoring, or targeted attacks on human rights advocates or journalists, all in violation of the right to privacy, among other rights. Surveillance breaches of communication confidentiality have been connected to serious human rights abuses such as imprisonment, torture, and extrajudicial murders. The monitoring of Saudi dissident Omar Abdulaziz, which contributed to the arbitrary killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, is one example of a particularly heinous situation.
The risks associated with cyber security vulnerabilities will only rise as more people and devices become interconnected. Unfortunately, governments are either not focusing cybersecurity talks on human rights, or, worse, are using cybersecurity as a pretext to increase internet control.
As digital transformations get underway, it is critical moment to begin educating employees. It’s a good time to begin discussing education. Instead of treating it as a punishment, organizations can view it as an opportunity that comes with the new era.

GLOBAL ID is a technology firm whose major goal is to improve data and information security by identifying and authenticating persons using multi-view biometric finger vein data.
GLOBAL ID in collaboration with FSF-IHCE is to encourage technology innovation that will improve health care and other sectors at large by improving the security, accessibility, and long-term viability of data and information.
This partnerships will promote our core mandate of educating and training of employees. Educating staff about their role in cybersecurity and the impact it may have on human lives develops a culture that values and respects security. The importance of cyber safety is emphasized via regular briefings and communication on the condition of the organization’s security. Attending staff training courses and making cybersecurity a regular subject of discussion in meetings might also assist to spread the word.